Do you know... how to make sense of the black and white keys on the piano?
If you have no idea what the keys are called on a piano, enjoy the following free lesson!
1. Exploring the black keys
Watch the Video below and then play along! Pause whenever necessary.
2. Naming the White Notes
Watch the Video below and then play along! Pause whenever necessary.
3. Landmark Notes - D & C
Watch the Video below and then play along! Pause whenever necessary.
4. Finding D & C
Watch the Video below and then play along! Pause whenever necessary.
3. Landmark Notes - F & B
Watch the Video below and then play along! Pause whenever necessary.
4. Finding F & B
Congratulations!! You have completed Making Sense of the Keys! Give yourself a high five!
Before our Next Lesson: Play the notes on the keyboard that spell the following words. BED, FACE, EGG, FAD, FADE, CAGE, BEAD, CAB, BEAD, GAB, ACE, FEED, CABBAGE - Try mixing the notes up all over the keyboard. See if you can think of some more words to find!
Now that you know the names of the keys, you can apply your knowledge to playing your first song!